Nest Thermostat v3 Teardown
Quick and Dirty Look at the PCB
Work in progress, complements the FCC Application
Screen Side
- Freescale MCIMX6X3EVK10AB
- 6TDID NW189
- Freescale SMPF0200 51AEP KEPFTG
- Potentially NXP MMPF0200 power management IC
- ELPIDA B443268PA-1D-F
- 4Gb RAM
- 16430R01200
- STM32L 151VCH6 78A2T V6
- EM3581 1652A00MQL
- 66109 92143.1
- Unpopulated J17108, 14 pins -> off board connector?
- 4 test points in a row, UART?
Back Side
- SS7120009
- Murata chipset with dimensions 7.8mmx8.4mmx1.00mm
- Matches the Type ZP
- Potentially Cypress CYW4339 chipset
- Dialog DA14580
- Unpopulated J1204, 10 pins
- Unpopulated J17107, 14 pins -> off board connector?
Battery Adhesive
Healthy glob of white adhesive that was a real pain to remove. You can see the foil of the battery package being malformed.