Using mbed with Kinetis Design Studio
A brief overview of the process for building mbed projects with Kinetis Design Studio
- Install the necessary tools
- Modify the mbed toolchain to support KDS
2a) Modify the mbed source code to be more KDS/K64F friendly - Build the mbed core library
- Build a sample mbed project
- Import the mbed project into KDS
- Program & Play
Install Kinetis Design Studio
Obviously, to get started working working with the K64F and the Kinetis Design Studio, it is necessary to install KDS. At the time of writing, the current version is 3.0.0 and can be downloaded directly from Freescale. Downloading requires registration, but so far I have not received any unsolicited e-mails from Freescale.
Install Python
mbed will be built using the ARM GCC compiler included with Kinetis Design Studio. However, the build scripts that rely on the ARM GCC compiler are written in Python. I have only tested the mbed build scripts with Python 2.7, however, the scripts may work with the 3.x branch of Python.
Install a git client (optional)
I prefer using the git command line, however, Github provides a git GUI.
Clone mbed repository
If you installed a git client, clone the git repository for mbed
git clone
If you did not install a git client, download and extract the zip file of the mbed repo.
Modifying the mbed source
Add the KDS compiler
Open the
Modify Line 57 to point to the /bin
folder in the KDS install directory:
GCC_ARM_PATH = "C:/Freescale/KDS_3.0.0/toolchain/bin"
Change pins for K64F Rev E (optional)
Edit the pin definitions file for the K64F. More information about why this necessary is in this post.
Modify the line specifying the definition of D8 from PTA0
to PTC12
D8 = PTC12,
Add gdb support for the mbed core (optional)
Occasionally, we want to debug something happening in the mbed libraries themselves. To do that with KDS, we need to build the mbed libraries with gdb support.
Modify the file specifying gcc command line options
Change Line 73 to include gdb debug symbols:
if "debug-info" in self.options:
### Build mbed
It is useful to run the build script with the help output to see what sort of options can be used
python workspace_tools/ --help
Knowing the expected parameters, run the following command
python workspace_tools/ - m K64F -t GCC_ARM -o debug-info
If you plan on using rtos, ethernet, DSP, the SD card, or any USB functionality, add their respective flags to the `` command. Additionally, if you have multiple cores use `-j <number of cores - 1>`, for example, `-j 7` if you have 8 cores.
python workspace_tools/ - m K64F -t GCC_ARM -o debug-info -r -e -F -j 7
After running the command, the mbed directory should have a `build` folder containing at a minimum `mbed` as well as any other libraries specified by the additional flags.
### Create the sample project
With the mbed libraries built locally, we can create a sample project to import into KDS.
python workspace_tools/ -m K64F -i kds -b -p 4
The `-p 4` flag tells `` to build the 4th test program. A complete list of test programs can be seen by running `python -L`
If everything was successful, there should be a `` file in `/path/to/mbed/build/export/`
### Import into KDS
Extract the *.zip file that was created in the previous step.
Open KDS, `File\Import`. In the dialog box, select `General\Existing Projects Into Workspace`. Navigate to the extracted *.zip file and import it.
Press the 'hammer' aka 'build' icon in the KDS toolbar. The output in the debug menu should indicate that the build was successful.
### Run code on K64F
_Note:_ I use the [Segger J-Link OpenSDA]( application for debugging. The K64F by default uses OpenOCD. I believe just pressing the 'Debug' icon while the K64F is plugged in should debug the application. I recommend using the Segger J-Link debugging interface. A post will follow on how to do this.
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